Shared office space is a workspace rented by different businesses, or people working remotely. They share office space that includes startup owners, freelancers, remote employees, etc. The growing demand for coworking space is because of its amazing benefits of providing a workspace where people get an office-like environment but at cheap prices. They are an affordable and much better choice if you don’t have the budget to rent the entire office space. If you don’t know much about it, then read this and know about the perks of getting into a shared space.
How it is different than traditional working space?
A shared office space operates on subscriptions that allow people to subscribe to the number of periods they want to use the space. So, in this, you are just renting the part of the entire workspace that is specifically designed to work individually. However, in the traditional office space, the office owner has to rent or buy the entire office space and only people working under the same company have access. Customer-friendly shared office spaces are flexible and provide you to increase your network by collaborating with other businesses operating in the same coworking spaces.
Here are some more differences between the two as follows:
- A traditional office space allows for individual desks and increases privacy and focus the coworking spaces also provide individual desks but you may have to pay more for that.
- A traditional office space operated a 9-5 schedule that allows for more familiarity and structure. This is not helpful when your business has to operate according to international hours. So, if you want to get a flexible working space, getting a coworking space is the best option as it is highly flexible to the user.
- When you get the traditional working space, this limits the interactions of workers. A modern coworking space leads to more conversations in the office, thereby promoting networking.
- A traditional working space is expensive to run and maintain if you are having a startup. On the other hand, shared office space is cheaper as you only pay for what you use. So, this makes it a much-preferred option among small businesses and startups.
Things to consider before opting for a shared space
You might be wondering how you can get the shared office space that is ideal for you. Well, here are some factors that need to be weighed on:
- Know what you need from a coworking space
You must ask yourself questions about why you need a shared office space. Classify your needs and set your requirements and according to that make the choice.
- Know the cost involved
There are several prices for the coworking spaces and they all vary from one workspace to the other. So, it is better to look for a shared space that is affordable.
Look at the future of your business and see how it can evolve with time. It is better to look for different coworking spaces and see what fits according to your future needs too. So, choose the one that provides you comfortable space to work in and comes with several basic amenities.
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