February 22, 2025

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Some of the Best Natural Places that You Can Visit in Japan


It is no longer hidden that Japan has a lot of stunning places to visit and a lot of beauty that is incomparable. You can enjoy the lavender fields, which are there in Furano in Hokkaido, and there are also pristine beaches in Okinawa. Besides that, Okinawa is not too large a place and it is filled with beautiful and amazing nature, museums, and temples on the mountainside. It also consists of cherry blossoms in the spring. Besides that, Japan may be closed to international tourists. However, you can check online for more information as packaged tours begin on June 10. Here are some Japan tours info and what you should do for your next Japan tour and adventure and so on. Some of the best places that you can visit in Japan are as follows:

Niigata Prefecture, the Tunnel of Light & Kiyotsu Gorge-

The Kiyotsu gorge is a massive natural wonder with a volcanic column known as a columnar jointing that overlooks the dramatic river view. It was closed in the year 1988 to the public because the trails were unsafe. Ma Yansong and a few of the architects and their team had created a tunnel of light, which is a 750m-long tunnel that leads outside towards the gorge, so this way the visitors can see its panoramic beauty.

Kamikochi, Nagano Prefecture-

It is a plateau which is lush green. It is situated in the Nagano prefecture, which is on the sides of the Northern Japanese alps. Besides that, Kamikochi provides Japan’s most remarkable mountain scenery, and that too, with minimum hiking effort. Many of the visitors will simply move around the kappabashi, i.e., kappa bridge, for some good reason. Plus, you can get a bus stop nearby. You will also be able to take a look at the wooded riverbank, which is surrounded by the mountains and fortress. Then you can also see the autumn blushes in the shades of orange, red, and yellow.

Taisho Pond-

If you don’t like the crowd, then you can leave the crowd and start with the silent Taisho Pond, where the surface is pristine and in the early morning there is a gorgeous view. From here, you can take a simple, hour-long hike through the marshlands to the kappabashi, where you can have a meal in many of the cafes and also in some of the good restaurants. If you are tripping around for the day, then you can move further into the forest, which is again a 90-minute walk, which will take you to the beautiful Myojin Pond.

Oirase Gorge, Aomori

This is one of the most charming gorges which you can find in the mountains of Aomori, and that too during the top autumn destinations. The distance from Ishida to Neokuchi, which comes at the mouth of Lake Towada, is 9 kilometres, and the scenery is breath-taking. There is gorgeous scenery everywhere. Through a beautiful red and orange forest, you can check out the gushing Oirase stream, and there are waterfalls too. Here you can witness the Japanese autumn at its peak.